End-to-End(E2E) Testing For A Better User Experience

As a QA Engineer, I always recommend to use end to end testing over regression testing especially to a much more smaller companies. For me, it is beneficial for us as QA to focus more on user experience rather than focusing on ensuring that the old test cases which sometimes is not verifiable anymore is not broken.
So what is the end to end testing?
End to end testing is a kind of testing that ensures the application under test should behave as expected from a user approach. Which we will simulates the real life scenario on how they will use the application. In short, you will test the application on how the user will use the application simultaneously.
Why it is appealing to the QA or testers?
The hardest part of being a QA is writing the test cases that will base to a documentation that have unclear solutions on how it will be use by the user. So let me explain it further
- Based on documentation
- Test cases creation will always stick to the document that’s been given to you.
- Requesting for additional scenario’s will lead to time consuming, a lot of convincing to the upper management and developers.
- Reporting a bug that should be normal for a user standpoint will not be a bug but a change of feature as long it is not in the said documentation.
- User experience
- Although we will still be writing per document that is given to you but this time, you as a QA will write lots of additional things that user might do or use the application for.
- There’s no need to go extra mile on convincing the higher management or developers that a certain test case is need since everyone knows that you are testing it as user not as business ideas of a user should do.
- Irregular bugs found like going to background process (mobile) or testing the session timeouts will be accepted as long you have the proper steps on how to reproduce it.
What are the things you need to be careful with end to end testing?
I can on only think two things:
- A good workflow
- Understanding user goals
So that’s it for this small post of mine. Till next time.
Thank you Kyrie for sharing such a informative blog and simplify about what Manual testing exactly do.